Vivi is learning to ride her bike, well she's already riding GREAT with her training wheels. She definitely gained a lot of bumps, bruises, and scratches on the way to learning though. She's so cute in her Dora helmet just riding in circles in the back for us. Such a great time, I remember how much I LOVED my bike!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Memorial Day Weekend with Family
We had a GREAT weekend in Decatur watching the balloons and playing with Vivi! Saturday night we left out and visited my family and had a great dinner! Sunday we went to church and enjoyed our NEW 'young married' class. Steve, Steven, and Andy did a great job! We plan to find a church closer to our new home, but look forward to our times visiting home in our new class.
(Pictures Above: The bunny was the last to go up and needed some help, but he finally got going. The people with the bunny were giving out bunny ears and Uncle Bubba went and got us all a pair. Also a picture of Tyson and I enjoying the balloons bright and early, and Vivi with her Daddy walking around to get a better look at the balloons.)
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Alabama Jubilee in Decatur
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Playground Fun!
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Corey's Band Concert
I've never loaded a video before. I hope it works. This is pretty good considering it's from our very slim camera and we were standing at the top of the gym. This was Corey's final perfomance in band at Bumpus Middle School. The second video may be the best, it's from Pirates of the Carribean, my mom's favorite. Each performance was very good!
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Wedding Pictures
The Lecroy's have the wedding pictures up on their wedsite! If you'd like to browse through them just follow the link. I think we're the third couple down. It will give you another link, username, and password. Hope you enjoy seeing a part of our day.
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Yard WORK & Miss Olivia's Dance!
"The shelves "I" built!!" The garage is looking so much better! It's no longer Parisian's, as Tyson called it! All my clothes are inside and the garage is looking pretty neat!! Now we need to work on the inside some :/
Tyson's parents also came by on Sunday and gave Tyson a BIG gift! A gas string trimmer (weed-eater). It's really nice and 'red' so Tyson loves it! Now our yard will really be looking clean and nice! Thanks Bebe & Pop!
THE BUSH!! Our fight all day!! Tyson and Dad pulled four or five out of the ground! What a task! Then when we were at Lowe's we saw some of the same bushes/trees but SMALLER for $50!! I was so mad, but they had to go!
Saturday afternoon we cleaned up for Olivia's Dance Recital. She was SOO cute! All the dancers did a great job! Afterwards we went out to eat to celebrate a late Birthday for Mom. Busy weekend, but a lot done. THANKS Mom and Dad!!
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wedding Dress

Well, I intended on getting bridal portraits made a few weeks before the wedding.... Well, I drove to Fayette, AL to get my hair fixed, then drove to Jasper to pick up my dress, drove from there to Guntersville, finished my make up, got in the dress and all that goes with it, got down to the lake before sun set AND.... it started to rain!! We stood there in the rain with the photographer for an hour and watched the sun set. No Pictures :( It was pretty funny to see me and alllll my dress in the back seat of the car though. My mom insisted we try and take a few pictures outside the house at the farm. Mom got together blankets, plastic, and towels and set it up so I wouldn't get my dress dirty since everything was wet and icky. I'm so glad we did these! And they turned out pretty good, actually really good :) Hopefully I'll have some wedding pictures soon and me and Tyson!

Above is a picture of the back center of my train, it's monogrammed! Of course I had to so it!
PS: Officially had my name changed, so it's Mrs. Crystal Mahan Littlejohn!! Yeah, Tyson was proud!
Posted by BamaBelle744 at 5:44 AM 0 comments