Well, I intended on getting bridal portraits made a few weeks before the wedding.... Well, I drove to Fayette, AL to get my hair fixed, then drove to Jasper to pick up my dress, drove from there to Guntersville, finished my make up, got in the dress and all that goes with it, got down to the lake before sun set AND.... it started to rain!! We stood there in the rain with the photographer for an hour and watched the sun set. No Pictures :( It was pretty funny to see me and alllll my dress in the back seat of the car though. My mom insisted we try and take a few pictures outside the house at the farm. Mom got together blankets, plastic, and towels and set it up so I wouldn't get my dress dirty since everything was wet and icky. I'm so glad we did these! And they turned out pretty good, actually really good :) Hopefully I'll have some wedding pictures soon and me and Tyson!

Above is a picture of the back center of my train, it's monogrammed! Of course I had to so it!
PS: Officially had my name changed, so it's Mrs. Crystal Mahan Littlejohn!! Yeah, Tyson was proud!
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